Shakespeare's coach and tutor, a fellow named John

Lylie, told the young actor and promising writer that in

order to make a friend be prepared to share a bushel of

salt, not knowing three hundred and seventy years later it

would be a machine instead of salt.


Whether that advice would be given to any young man today in the Reference

Library, third floor of the New York Public Library,

depends on whether the young man has a friend like Lylie

and whether he is another Shakespeare.

But, according to our agent who operated the elevator at the library, there

neither has been another Lylie nor a Shakespeare to come

to the third floor since he's been operating the elevator.

"And that goes back to the time when I failed to get my

jet engine mechanic card, figuring like I did that

conventional engines would still be around for a long


How was I to know progress was knocking at the door

faster than I thought I could run this elevator up to the

top floor and through the roof. I had just come out of

the Air Force in Texas and I didn't know nothing about the


"Third floor reference library. All out."


A young lady, twenty-four years old with an

all-knowing eye of four years in college and two years

working in the garment district, originally hailing from

Reading, Pennsylvania, the daughter of a dentist and a

school teacher and now living in the East Fifty-Second

Street area of Second Avenue, stepped off the elevator.

"Thank you," she said, walking long leggedly, her full

five feet and ten inches behind her aggressive stride.
She turned to the right and pounded into the reference

room, her breath but only a little wane.

"Micro film 17654321," she murmured, her right hand slyly coming up to

her sensuous lower lip as though she was bent on a mission

as nefarious as the pumpkin papers of the forties when men

were no longer men but agents of Foreign Powers and the

former Vice President of the United States was only a

conscientious Congressman from Whittier, California.


She stood at the counter, the right forefinger of her

hand tapping the scarred wood of the desk as though the

resonance in her fingers sought out a solitary heart beat

in rhythm with her own.

"Here you are, the 1948 December 13th edition. Have

fun," said the librarian, her wispy, graying hair wind

swept and snow flavored, falling over her pince nez

glasses until she took thetime to gracefully take her

left hand to throw back the strands of darkness for some

of the library's incandescent Edison lighting.

And the young damsel with the graceful walk, sped into the

reference room of the library. The heavy-set guard

growled, "No books, lady. I'm sorry," but the tall girl,

her mind bent on the passion of the moment - scrutiny of

the innards within the small boxes under her arm smiled.

And the guard wilted under the glowing rapture of this

most secretive smile. His head, topped by wavy black

hair, slowly turned. He drew in his lower lip, and with

his right hand he opened up his gray uniform jacket

showing his girth at mid season of his age and you knew he

was studiously studying the form of this tall, almost flip

gook of a girl.

"Okay, I didn't know. I thought you were holding


She ran while she walked, her long strides bounding

the wooden floorboards of the 42nd Street Library. Her

eyes flashed a warmth, only a girl in the garment center

of New York could have. Of knowing New York's garment

center bounded on the west by Seventh Avenue and the east

by Broadway, between 28th and 41st, was he own.

She seemed so casual in her belonging and yet so

aggressive, as though she knew audetes fortuna juvat.


And at the same time, he came......

Wearing his J.S. Bach sweat shirt, he swept through the revolving door of the Fifth Avenue entrance,

beamed a smile of staggering

proportions upon the library watchdog who made sure the

eleven and half million populace of the city did not

fleece any masterpieces from the stacks of the reference



He strode into the elevator like a Spanish

conquistador of the past, only momentarily himself

returning to the 1960's of the Twentieth Century so he

could find proof of his earlier incarnation.

Again he beamed the big smile toward the elevator operator and the

elevator man's eyes of deadness stared out at the sweat


"Man, I thought I saw everything. When did they

get Mozart on sweat shirts?"

"It isn't Mozart. It's Bach. J.S. Bach," said the

young old man completely oblivious of the library's rule

not to talk to the operator while the car is in progress.

He was wearing a J.S. Bach and the hell with rules and

axioms. Here was a greater violation. Of a false

identity and if this wasn't the overriding issue of our

day. The question of identity and who you are. Then

human life was only part and parcel of the animal kingdom

and humans were but two-legged animals in growing up but

became three-legged when they reached old age and had a


A sorrowful state if you reached the age of the

cane and you still didn't know who you were.

No matter if you had a couple of million or even a couple of thousand

it would make no difference. Your question mark was your



But the elevator operator and the occupant of J.S.

Bach's sweatshirt didn't think of such a vital question

while riding the air and the rope up to the third floor.

"Third floor, reference library. All out."


J.S. Bach ran down the hall which only a few moments

earlier had seen the heels of our garment district sketch

artist and which since had seen the footprints of hundreds

of other humans bent on the search for knowledge. The man

in the sweatshirt knew what he wanted as he strode down

the hall to the reference room.


"John Lylie''s tutoring of William

Shakespeare?" he asked the librarian, her wispy graying hair wind-swept and snow flavored falling over

her pince nez.

"Young man, you must look in the card catalog under

the author's name... By the way, is that Handel?"

His blue eyes flared dangerously, and thinking he was

still a heroic figure from the past of another time and

another day, he lunged forward and with the cold steel of

his blue eyes he tapped the most vital organs of the



"Young man, I believe the card catalogs are behind

you. We can't spend more than a minute a man. And even

less when the customer is occupying a dirty sweatshirt."

"But it isn't like it's any old sweatshirt. This is

the sweatshirt of one of God's chosen ones. This is...."

"Nonsense with all that stuff. You bringing such

garbage into the library. Why, I would call the guard

right now if he wasn't so busy inspecting the bag

While Bugsy Siege engaged his tattooed vibes from Murder Inc.

While Bugsy Siege engaged his tattooed vibes from Murder Inc.  East New York, and those corpses into

the high sum flowers golden rod weeds in the East Flatbush   lots, he overheard Horace Greely’s “Go

west, young man” and his   colleagues in their nefarious roles (prohibition), Meyer Lansky (numbers, the

pony wires) Al l “Bummy” Davis (“I was a contender”, Golden Gloves) collective wisdom to invade the

Las Vegas strip and put their pull  on  the Flamingo Hotel’s  reality marquee; the Desert Inn not at a loss

at the  “roll of dice”  on the gaming scene, long  before Bugsy could say “ cyber space”..


To capture the wide open unregulated turf in gambling consciousness and other visceral escapes, led by

austere citizens ( Searchlight, Nevada)  losing themselves in  once repressed unrepressed gratification.

“You only got one life to live. Right,   Bugsy?”

“Right as rain”, “Swifty” Boots.    What can I do you in for?”


The two gents exemplifying the generation gap, plodded their way through downtown Main Street and

the “welcome“ , the Golden Nugget casino.

Bugsy was in his element as they say. Craps, the one armed bandits, roulette wheels, bacharat, poker.

gin rummy, wasn’t to his East New York nature.

Elbowing his surrogate father alias, the graying Joe Smoot, Faro, mister Smoot.” You count the

cards….the house’s hands. “

“I’m with you, Bugsy. They don’t call me “Swifty” for nothing.”

“”You’re for real,  “Swifty ”


In the course of the high driving energy and William Saroyan’s “The young man on the flying trapeze”

playing out, the former East New York mobster and escort for .Ruth from the Liv0onia Avenue subway,

and the bottled  “ a nickel a pickle” during those hot humid WPA garage cellared two bedroom brick


Bugsy had put in  his time being a straight man. But 3000 miles away, World War 2 in a cease and

desist mode, there was an optimism. “ Heaven is on the way to it”, Frederic Woellner, Professor, Ucla


Swifty  nudged  Bugsy. The  cue that the deadler had dealt all the deck of cards. One play left Bugsy was

not to cramp up..

“High or low?” qujoteth  the   dealer.

Bugsy pushed his chips toward the dealer. “High”


Unlike Marshall Dillon of CBS tee vee Studio City’s “Gunsmoke” or Gary Cooper’s ”High Noon”(Stanley

Kramer, Carl Foreman)  late Princess Grace of Philadelphia and Monaco, the Sheriff’s betrothal,  Bugsy

cashed in his chips for the karma, he and Swifty strode past the “welcome” unto dusty Main Street of

downtown Vegas.


As both men, Bugsy of the underworld, Swifty an elder statesman,  the grandpa of a “a nickel a pickle”

walked toward the office, Swifty into horse flesh, dreaming of a race track, the ponies model was

Hollywood Race Track, Archie Leach aka Cary Grant, the president.

Swifty aka Joe Smoot not only had Archie as his model, his I.D. (Al Sliver bookie extraordinaire from

Ucla’s men gym.)  Swifty knew betting on horse flesh was against all odds in this mecca of high rollers

but if the wagering fever didn’t captivate the fringe, then he would face up to bankruptcy…..he loved the

ambiance of the strip. The fantasy, his dream of pitting nags against one armed bandits.

The whole amalgamation: stables, trainers, jocks, hay, oats….the saddles:, Johnny Longden Willie

Shoemaker Johnny Peterson millionaire jocks perpetuating “in their saddle technology” ..

Could cyber space top that reality?

A cue from his Dick Tracy Buck Rogers smart phone, the app into the New York Times home page…

“David Frost, the interrogator of President Richard Nixon for his 30 some hours on television, has passed

away aboard a cruise. The Englishman was 74…. .”


“Mister President, if we may perpetuate this interview for your lastl public appearance. Our thrust into

your Watergate break in and your wiring the oval office in order to  leave a legacy of your public service .

Forgetting your roles in the House, your bitter battle with Helen Gahagan Douglas for your La Habra

Heights Whittier Fullerton orange grove seat, your coattail hanger ons with “Ike” President Eisenhower,

the dog named “Checkers” and the attention you muzzled out of that Machiavellian moment.

 “Destroying Alger Hiss’s reputation: playing out Whittaker Chambers and the pumpkin papers, raising a

red flag over Hiss’s service at the State Department ( Cordell Hull, Dean Acheson, Dean Rusk)

“Your debate with the Kremlin’s Nikita Kruschev,  while you were in the kitchen. You squeezed the

juice out of moment, making hay  like you were a political opportunist, off the Whittier College bench,

sprinting for a T.D.. and glory for the Nixon Burger drive in on the Boulevard.

“Mister President if you had a chance to do it all  over again, what would you change. Your stint in the

Navy, playing poker?. The 50000 big bucks Howard Hughes (“the Splinter” advanced the family for the

Nixon Burger. “Hells Angels” quoteth “I never met a man I couldn’t buy”.

“Would you still matriculate in law at Duke, knowing the cinema’s Duke was into his Trojan Horse role

with director John Ford?.

“Sitting on the Whittier College  bench gave you a lot of time  to think about your presence of mind.

Wouldn’t  you say so in retrospect. Bamboozling the public, into thinking you were a public servant from

the word “go”.

“Casting Ucla’s Harry Halderman, his Redland s crew cut and Erlichman “the honest man” from Santa

Monica..  Both Gold Key Fraternity men from Gayley, across from the tennis courts..

“And what about the Senior “Senator from Formosa” committing hari kari.?  Did Machiavelli play a role

there? His family owning a newspaper in Oakland.”

“Was it all self serving, Mister President? out for yourself? Playing the 88 keys in the key of C,  your

machinations wheeling dealing the gulls into your oval office.

 Your lasting  Watergate legacy. What can you say for yourself, Mister?   “Let’s begin with the Checkers

and the slush fund,” Triclky”.   To wire the oval office and cash in.

Macnhiavelli’s guide for the perplexed:. Ucla’s Professor Titus’s “Politics”.Halderman and Erlichman

sitting in the front row.,


The two men, gamblers each in their own way tossed the dice.. Bugsy into his suite at the Flamingo,

Swifty into his office on the strip, his foretaste of ten dollars per share for his horse flesh splendor in the

Vegas gambling mecca.

Out of the corner of his aging retina, he read the Flamingo marquee….‘Frankie Laine “I Believe”

From his other…. the Desert Inn’s “‘Nature Boy’s”’ Nat King Cole

The City that never sleeps, September 9,  2013.

Unlike the Korean war dog tags we never got

Unlike the Korean war dog tags we never got,the ‘Offical opening by her Majesty,the Queen,1st

August 1997, American Air Museum in Britain’ ,dangled around our necks as Estelle and ourselves stepped

Around the barricade unto the Duxford Air Base landing strip  that memorable yesterday,outsideCambridge

First,the Pakistani clerk at our bed&breakfast, digs near Kensington, said”If those snapshots  make me

seem like a Prince Charming, don’t mail them back from  the Big Apple. My brother is on his holiday.. Give them to him.When his fortnight ends,he’ll fly home with the prints. Here’s my sister’s phone.Pager,E mail,fax.

Developing the click snap shutter,back in  the States,we called the number.The Omar Shariff voice when asked where the sister lived,carrying his brother’s  images, “815 East 14th Street. Avenue H.,apartment 1 H.,Flatbush,Boro of Brooklyn.”

“A six floor elevator apartment house?,two blocks away from the Avenue H subway,bordering on Rugby Road?”Off Wellington. We lived in 5A,growing up.A day dreaming punk from Santa Monica,California. Public School,217,Midwood High School.Our best friend Dr Howie lived in the same apartment  as your sister.How’s that for being in synch,sir?”.

Second, our odyssey began, the Fort Hamilton  Army library,in Bay Ridge, a  diverse Brooklyn neighborhood near. New Chinatown. Keith Lewis,.Junior,an internet pro,E mailed Sandra Brooks at Mildenhall RAF.Beck Row Village,29 mi.from Cambridge,UK, about billeting  Standby .for an Air Force Ready Reservist,23 years longevity.,and his good wife.?  When the full electronic mailbox was sorted out Sandra Brooks who wasn’t from Brooklyn..said “Major ,call USAF Lakenheath  direct.!”

Third, “Sergeant Gideonse here”,answered the  NCO in charge of  Lakenheath  lodging. “Com ‘on ahead,Major….Bring the good wife.We’ll put you up for eleven days,how’s that for a gig?The motor pool
has orders,for her Majesty’s honor guard..Transportation squadron ,48th Fighter Wing.”

Fourth,unlike the Royalty, soon to descend from those ominous skies playing out “A foggy day in the British Museum” penned by the Brooklyn born Gershwin brothers.George&Ira, we thought back of our yesterdays almost a half a century earlierThe 448th Reserve B 25 Light bomb Wing,Long Beach,California.
out on the municipal airport’s strip,adjoining Signal Hill’s pumping drills.

Fifth,President Harry Truman, a no nonsense Commander in Chief,called up the 452nd Reserve B 25 Wing, on hearing the North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea…..Colonel Cochrane,the duty officer for both Colonel Keeney ,448th, General Sweetzer,452nd,.”Lieutenant  A,”he said“Report Hamilton AFBase,the 2567th Processing Squadron….San Rafael.,Travis AF Base,Japan,Korea Is your fated destiny,
My boy.Verbal orders are as good as gold.that’s the scenario.”

Sixth,defered until February,’51,&never called till the Cuban crisis, Colonel Paul McGuire asked us ito play out the role of his 2567th Group Intelligence Officer, Santa Barbara-Long Beach,California.”How can we resist you,sir…”sending us Intelligence School,Shepard AFBase,Assistant Chief of Staff,Intelligence,Pentagon,DIA,Western European desk, Portugal,Angola and Mozambique….….

Seventh,for some 12 years more, two week tours at a stretch;two at the AF Academy,Estelle& ourselves…  
Found ourselves some 3 decades later,strolling towrd the ecliptical  designed American Air Mueum in Britain,the skies opening up, the rains  descending……

Eighth,the good wife ran for cover in the dining hangar where the 2000 Yanks,their wives, children,grandchildren.widowers, widows,girl friends ,chubs ,next of kin,milled around the dining tables,tasting&testing the grub of sandwiches, English biscuits, warmed over hot meals of sole fish,Arthur Treacher  fish&fries, pastries, tarts,tea,coffee, while the reminiscing  of some 60 years spilled the air,the BBC audio taping the scene, the Imperial War Museum pro clicking snapping shuttering.

Ninth,meanwhile  Major A ran for shelter, the Museum’s entrance…the hangar door, the swooping P 38’s,open cockpits flying fortresses, B 25’s nary a one.Nor the courier F 10’s….”Charleton Heston,”he called,the Hollywood actor stumbling on the wooden  block.into the hangar…”It sure is wet,isn’ it?”he said,a big black limo waiting ,a voice “Mister Heston,Charleton,…..”

Tenth, the yesterdays trailing back 3 decades….Perfidious Albion’s Bard playing out the theme from Romeo&Juliet Henry Mancini,a Ucla graduate,conducting the band into his solemn airs,Jules Stein ‘s passing.A band leader himself,&opthomologist, he had bought Universal Studios, where Mister Heston starred in “Airport’75”.

Eleventh,the limo driver cried “Charlton,her Majesty. landed .from Scotland.Edinboro.castle.,Warmed over Queen’s grub isn’t worth writing home about.

Twelth,meanwhile the Imperial Warm Museum’s pro Greg Smith clicked shuttered  the Major&Estelle inside the Hangar for the 2000 Yanks….ushering them out for the benediction, the ceremonial staff offered them chairs and chairs unto the field, her Majesty,Prince Phillip, former prime Minister Maggie Thatcher, Charlton Heston, Duke of Kent,a Field Marshall…..Greg Smith snapping away.Her Majesty in her yellow ponchos tucked away at the  podium,in front of the musuem,her USAF color guard in their protocol,the band into the  strains that bonded these two mighty peoples ,defending then dominating the Battle of

Thirteenth ”Do you know the Greg Smith singers,always playing the Ucla spring sing,”said Major A.”Any kin?” he asked the Imperial War Museum. pro,the rains ceasing, the fly over beginning…3 F 16’s a flying fortress…

Fourteenth,the resonancing  voice of  “Airport ‘75” leaping into the Bard’s Henry Fifth….”My soul shall thine keep company to Heaven;Tarry sweet soul,for mine,,then fly abreast;as in this glorious&well –foughten field, we kept together in our chivalry…..I saw young Harry with his beaver on,his cuisses on his thighs,gallantly arm’d-Rise from the ground like feather’d Mercury,and vaulted with such ease into his seat,as if an angel dropt down from the clouds,to turn&wind afiery Pegasus,and watch the world with noble airmanship….O for a Muse of fire,that would ascend  the brightest Heaven of invention..a kingdom for a stage,princes to act,and monarchs to behold the swelling scene Then should the warlike Harry,like himself assume the port of Mars;and at his heels,leasht-in like hounds;should ,famine,sword,&fire,crouch for employment…..”
Fifteenth….The Lakenheath blue USAF bus rode back, the Honor guard relaxing, the latrine orderly out of Ohio,a Captain, laughing, listening ,her fellows officers into their small talk.No Pistol,Falstaff,Fluellen
Doll Tearsheet here..

Sixteenth,  Greg Smith acting out of  London’s Imperial War Museum the ‘morrow…said”If you want the photos Major,call Andy .at  Duxford ,processing the negatives……walking thru the lush Lankenheath grass toward the post office, his aging blues ,stumbling over a memoriam .’” Andy”,his was the ultimate sacrifice… 48th Fighter Wing Transportation Squadron, Sunday,August  1st  1966…..

To the airmen of many nations who flew with the R.A.F. during the Battle of Britain. And soared into the Heavens that others might live .”If the British Empire and its Commonwealth Allies last for a thousand years,men will still say “This was their finest hour”.

British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill

June 9,2001, Brooklyn New York.