School girl. Working girl. Wife. Mother. And Bobbe

School girlWorking girl.  Wife.  Mother.  And Bobbe.

“Leslie, said Missus Farnham to her grand daughter,”you’re a young lady. A teenager maybe, but a young lady with lots of dreams. And Leslie,” said Grandma, “they’re not all beautiful


“But Bobbe,”said Leslie, winding her long golden blonde hair into a pony tail.. “If dreams
are not all beautiful, how you can tell the difference between the pretty ones and the ugly ones?”

Ugly dreams get dirty with life,” said Grandma. “The clean dreams stay beautiful all the


And the Bobbe’s brown eyes trailed oiff into the yesterdays of the past, remembering that morning, when sweepiung the stoop on 92nd Street and Avenue B in East Flastbush, she overheard a sixth grader on her way to P.S. 233, say to her girl friend “Gee, I wish I was little again.”


“Bobbe,” said Leslie, all of her twelve years of soap and suds groping for answers into maturity.”How can I know what kind of dreams I have now, if I have to wait till life dirties the ugly ones?”

“That my child,” said Grandma, “maybe why God puts us on this minor planet He wants to see if we can pass the test of life and keep our dreams beautiful and clean.”

“ Did you pass the test, Bobbe?” asked Leslie.

I don’t know if I did or not,” said Bobbe Esther. “But I don’t think I failed.”
Remembering way back when “What we are is God’s gift to us.What we become is our gift to God”.

The City that never sleeps, December 4, 2012

A dynasty of 64 years has come and gone into cyber space

A dynasty of 64 years has come and gone into cyber space. Dorothy Salwen Rabinoff perpetuated her legacythrough a aHigh School named Midwoodborn and bred in 1940 on Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, across the Avenue from Brooklyn College.
With her paraprofessional role in Special Education, she and her husband Sam, discovered their destiny. A fated love affair with the Hornet’s Nest, a blessed account of the High School’s inoculation of the school’s larger than life maestros teachers staff and lacrosse football baseball volleyball basketballwrestling track and field , cricket, tennis jocks at Midwood Field , originally Wingate.
A grandee simpatico and a dynamic leadership, headed up by Dr. Tubby Ross. Dr Schwartz, Julie Raskin, Chairman of the P.E. Department, Henry Fuchs, Senior English teacher ,facultyadvisor to the school’s paper, the Argus AlPadow, Physicsand Chemistry pro….co-owner of a drug store on Avenue J,between East 13th and 14th Street, two blocks from the local BMT Avenue J subway.
Whence a young but not frail student, who lived around the block as they say, Dorothy  literally got out of bed and crawled into her classes and the acclaimed inscription in the school’stiled lobby.
All who enter here and depart…To their love of country, theirfellow man, and God’. (Harvard Yard, William James)
A dynasty? Indeed!.
The Hornet’s Nest, her signature essay about the faculty and her cronies... Her glowing accounts of the musical heritage she identified with. Auditorium Spring Sings. 
Chairman Ben Chncy and his alter egos. The strutting students,their voices: the choruses and the glories they were motivated to“Stout hearted men..” . Miss Friedman, a substitute, charging up these “Pennies from Heaven” Sopranos, altos: theirs puppy lovevoices changing with their hormones and braces on their  teeth..
A citadel of musings. “Take notice of our passing lives in the midst of bullying on the planet.(Hitler, 9/11) The Westinghousehonored scenarios.. But she and Sam, a Junior High Principal, persisted, perpetuating the Hornet’s Nest……the fire in their bellies.
Could Golda Meir have done as well, in her un- freckleddomain  Tel Aviv and Jerusalem?
To rise from the ashes seems cliché like . 64 years of yearningambitions and scaled back aspirations along the way, in a grownup universe, the halls filled with arm to arm “aspirations” and energy, the elevator operator, reading his in print newspaper..
The walls outside the cubby time clock space. Dorothy and her inner circle, including Seymour Konigsberg aka Woody Allan.Student Matilda Cuomo, Gladys Bernstein, girls vice principal..Leonard Harrison, playing out his role as a principal.. before  Alzheimers struck his neurons and state of mind.

Whence her recording of memorial marriages ,birthdays,  awards, raising a family, dreaded deaths, reunions,  growingpangs of a teen aging colossal  . Adolescent yearnings to grasp aHuckleberry Finn , Tom Sawyer ego trip playing out, onMidwood’s  merry go round campus, a bridge across Bedford Avenue to the  digital  21st century library...
A hundred and eighty five years of a mantra.”. MurrayEisenstadt (CivicsAlthea Gibson into a tennis clinic) Social Studies, tennis coach) at 95his  Kappie 90. A gala celebrationunder the four bridges..
Likewise a celebration of Dorothy and Sam Rabinoff’s 64 year old dynasty…May the Hornet’s Nest live forever in her soul,Dorothy working her poems and crossword puzzles, while waiting at the Pearly Gates….
 Heaven is on the way to it
May 27, 2014 The City that never sleeps.

History repeats itself

History repeats itself. No, not the fragmentary nature of ourexistence , chilling out the barrels and double dribbles of cyber space.
Zen master and Knick basketball honcho, Phil Jackson (“one step at a time). His vision contradicts the tentativeness and insecurities that beset us from cradle to grave.
Five years at @ twelve mill a year certainly is not a per diemstipend for a character building coach (makes us better in own double dribbling “winning is his  game)…eleven NBA titles, Hall of Fame honor A presence that reverberates thru the culture players and coaches breathe.
A Prince Valiant hero returns to the scene of his glory. Those incipient yesterdays some 44 years ago number 6 man, sitting on the bench, next to coach  Red  Holzman (70, 73) .
A father mentor son relationship playing out. The player hunger to belong: the coach’s need  to   manage the ”five to a “w”. On a day to day campaign a championship and a ring at the end.
How this double dribbling duo  expanded their brain neurons….their common  ancestry. One from the East New York depression laden Hebrew Educational Society environs: the other from North Dakota, his parents ministers in their own grinding depression yesterdays..
To find a commonality in such a flow?   How far does mutualitygo?
The source of the coach’s all court mind set, may go back to being the child of immigrants. The Hebrew Educational Society, goes back to his East New York origins.. Sutter  Pitkin, Pennsylvania Saratoga Avenues.
Jackson’s parents were immigrants of another modeMoving from Montana to the North Dakota Badlands as ministers, inculcating their faith in the Hinterlands.
Didn’t Ibsen in his  When we Dead die”, scripting  symbolism,  an allegory..A metaphor in the reader state of mind.. A parable from real events. The Ibsen protagonist evolves in his guilt .A disease that not only diminishes his heroism, but puts an onus onhis oncenergized soul.
Hence thus therefore the once fountain of youth comes to itsinevitable… time clock..Cease fire.
Coach’s DNA and ascent, akin to Prometheus Bound, pushing back those boulders. Surmounting a Beethoven  growingdeafness, which laid the cornerstone for seven more masterpieces…miracles as was his wont. Deleting Napoleon’sdedication when he saw the “little General” name himself Emperor of the Austria Hungary Empire!
Indeed! *Toby Belch.
Not in my life time, *Toby...
It’s a tall order to restore the Kingdom to the Holy Grail of RedHolzman and number 6 player coming off the splinters, seems like a tall *belch.. But where else could such a restoration ofeuphoria take place. The music of double dribbling be heardonce again.
Who but a Prince in the court of the doubldribble, master mind how his jocks evolve, as he once did learning the game, sitting on the bench.
March 18, 2014. The City that never sleeps

God’s Way


August first, 1997. American Air Museum in Britain,

Unlike the Korean War tags we never   were awarded, the stringed I.D. dangling around our

necks ‘’The American Air Museum in Britain ….Official Opening by Her Majesty The Queen

August first,1997, the good wife and ourselves sidestepped the barricade unto the Duxford  RAF

air strip that memorable yesterday outside Cambridge, U.K……

The Pakistani clerk at our London bed & breakfast  digs , 50 miles away, had said  earlier…”Sir, if

The photos you took , make me seem like a Prince Charming ,don’t mail them back .My brother is

on his holiday. Our sister’s apartment He works across the street., Kuwait embassy Save your

money”, scribbling her phone number, a 718 area code… Brooklyn..

Developing the view  press &click snapshots back on Coney Island Avenue, we dialed the

number, an Omar  Shariff  voice, in its lilting musical tones, answered  “You got my brother’s

pictures….can you deliver them , ipso facto  Major. We’re flying  back to perfidious Albion .from

JFK, this afternoon.”

“Where are you, Omar?”

“You know Brooklyn’s   Flatbush ?  815 East 14thStreetapartment One H.”

Do I knowIt’s God’s Way,” A six floor elevator apartment house on Avenue H across the way from

Art Carney and his folks.....Above Bohacks, ”Ed Norton”(of the “Honeymooners”)whistling his

cue to his Jackie Gleason in diisguise (Straus)..... waiting at his  sixth floor kitchen window..      .  

Two blocks from the Avenue H  station. .The local subway. stop. .A day dreaming punk  from

Santa Monica, California., we were raised there .Attending Public School 217, Midwood  High

School. The best man at our wedding. Doctor Howie,” the pianist, CPA ” lived in the

same apartment,  as your sister. How’s that for being in the flow of the game .The moment, sir?”

Our odyssey begins a month earlier, Fort Hamilton Army Library. Bay Ridge, dating  historically

1825 Not that far from  Flatbush , Keith  Lewis, Jr .an internet pro, E mailed Sandra Brooks,

Mildenhall R.A.F.,Beck Row Village,29 miles from Cambridge, UK. About standby billeting for a

once Air Force Ready Reservist with 23 years longevity, and his good wife ?

When the electronic mailbox was sorted out for the fourth time, Sandra Brooks who wasn’t  from

Brooklyn wrote  “Major, call USAF-RAF Lakenheath direct.”

Sergeant Gideon,” answered the NCO in charge of lodging. “Com’ on ahead, Major. .We’re

expecting Lady Fenton, the good wife. Our motor pool is on orders for her Majesty’s honor guard,

Transportation Squadron,48thFighter Wing.”

We thought back all of our yesterdays. 47 years  ago, June 29,1950…..a Second Lieutenant, out of

UCLA’s ROTC, in the role of a Supply Officer on temporary duty to the Officers Club..448th

Reserve B 25 Light Bomb Wing, Long Beach, California, adjoining  Signal Hill’s rasping oil


President Harry Truman, a no  nonsense  Commander in Chief, activated the 452nd B 25 Light

Bomb Wing, on being  briefed about the North Koreans invading South Korea, crossing  the

demilitarized zone.Colonel  Cochrane, the Long Beach base’s full time operational  officer for

Colonel Keeney, the  448th,Colonel  Sweetzer, later Brigadier General,452nd….”Lieutenant, you’re

on verbal orders .Report Hamilton Air Force Base, the 2567th Processing Squadron, San Rafael,

California. Travis Air Force Base, Japan,  Korea. That’s your fate, my boy.”

Deferred until February ’51, for graduate school in teaching, Colonel Paul  McGuire called ,during

the Cuban crisis,  Khrushchev   steaming missiles toward Castro’s Cuba ”Be my Group

Intelligence Officer, Canoga   Park, California . We’ll cut orders, giving you jurisdiction from

Santa Barbara to Long Beach, sending you Intelligence School,  Sheppard Air Force Base,

Texas…Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon. Defense Intelligence Agency, Western

European Desk, Arlington….How’s that sound?”

“How can we resist you , sir?”

For another 12 years…two week tours at a stretch , several in the California desert, two ,the AF

Academy, teaching  Space. in schools,  we found ourselves  August 1st,1997,strolling toward the
ecliptic designed  American Air Museum in Britain, the skies opening up, the raindrops

descending. She ran for cover in the makeshift hangar where  2000  Yanks, many of them in  their

tattered khakis, moth balled blues, besprinkled ribbons, medals

Milling around the dining tables , with wives children grandchildren widowers widows girl friends,

sweethearts, lovers, mistresses,  next of kin testing the grub:: sandwiches, English biscuits, warmed

over hot meals,  fish & chips  tarts pastries tea and coffee.

Reminiscing of some  6 decades  spilling the air ,the BBC audio taping “in yer

face”, London’s Imperial War Museum Greg Smith clicking snapping away…pilots, copilots.,

crew chiefs navigators, bombardiers, tail gunners , maintenance crews flight officers air

controllers radar techs,  Intelligence officers supply operations medics, flight surgeons legal eagles

armaments anti aircraft crews reconnaissance, nurses, WAFS, mess personnel ,chaplains ,M.P.s ,

grave diggers.

Meanwhile the Major “nuisance” in his good wife’s stead.   fled  for  the Air Museum’s cover,

those earlier raindrops pelting the air strip like big chunks  of     hail out of the ice age .inside the

hangar’s door the swooping P38’s, ‘47’s, flying fortresses, step ladders into the cockpits, nary a B

25, A10..scaffolding for a Remembrance  reality scene & ceremony, Fall 2002

Charlton Heston” he called the echo resounding in the cavernous space, ,the actor stumbling at  

the Museum’s door, hearing his credits. ”It sure is wet,” he said, looking  into & through the

Major, a   limo  pulling alongside the entrance, ”Where did we meet?”

Those yesterdays trailing back 30 years, UCLA’s reality scene of  a bon voyage  for Jules Stein’s

departed soul. Henry  Mancini  playing out his theme from “Romeo et Juliet”, the solemn airs

sounding through the campus. .Dr. Stein, a bandleader turned ophthalmologist had bought

Universal Studios where Mr .Heston had starred, “Airport 75”.

The limo driver cried “Charltonher Majesty’s jet ,from Edinboro CastleScotland is taxing

.Hurray,   water cress sandwiches without venison is worth writing homeRank knows no chow


Insides the dining hangar for the 2000 Yanks, the War Museum’s pro, Greg Smith, continued his

viewing. Snapping, shuttering. For the benediction, the well groomed museum staff, distaff

&male, set up chairs and benches on the strip, the skies closing, raindrops ceasing..

Her Majesty, Prince Philip, former Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher, Duke of Kent, a Field

Marshall, Charlton Heston.

Greg Smith clicking away like into a on a web site’s home page. Her Majesty in her

yellow ponchos tucked under the canopy  outside the Museum hangar. Her USAF color guard in

their protocol, the band playing  the strains & some Sousa that bonded the American Anglo Saxon

peoples in the Battle of Britain.

Do you know the Greg Smith singersplaying the UCLA Spring sing?” asked the Major .”Any

relation?”, the Fly Over into the graying mists. 3 F’16’s ,wingtips fingerprinting   through the

skies, a  Flying Fortress… sailing through the ocean of humanity…

The resonating voice of Airport 75” Charlton Hestonleaping into the Bard’s Henry V”., the

loudspeakers in sync….”My soul shall thine keep company to Heaventarry sweet soul for mine.

Then fly abreast.…As if an Angel dropt from the clouds….O for a muse of fire that would

ascendthe brightest Heaven of invention.. A Kingdom for a stage,  Princes to actMonarchs to

behold the swelling scene….”

On the USAF bus ‘s return ,,passing  Madingley American Military Cemetery, through the

Brandon Suffolk countryside toward  Lakenheath, the Honor  Guard stripped of their protocol,

cajoled the latrine officer from Cleveland’s Shaker Heights, laughing about her moment’s


On the ‘morrow, Greg Smith called  from London’s Imperial War Museum. ”Majorbefore
departing for Heathrowcall Andy at Duxford’sdarkroom. He’s processing  all our negatives.

You &Lady Fenton might be lucky.”

Walking through the lush  Lakenheath  grass toward the post office’s phone, he stumbled, his blue

eyes sighting a buried  tableau. To Andy... his was the ultimate sacrificeTransportation

Squadron.,48th Fighter Wing  ….

‘To the airmen of many nations who flew with the R.A.F. during the Battle of

Britain. And soared into the Heavens that others might live...”If the British Empire and its

Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say “This was their finest hour.” Sir

Winston Churchill,, Prime Ministerhis mother born in Brooklyn Heights.….

Saturday, July 12,1997  Lakenheath RAF Base, England

The Zen Master’s metamorphosis of shedding skins

The Zen Master’s metamorphosis of shedding skinshis double dribbling as the Kicks sixth man, coming off the bench (70,’73)  reverberating as a 68 year old Zen Buddha, a president for the future, a pick and screen, his dribble, feint andswsish “ (ball control)officiating his  winning season.
The Albany Patrons in the Continental League, the Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA .
( Lakers owner, Jerry Buss, former Trojan Chemistry professor)
How did Phil Jackson aka the Zen master recognize the nuances:  finding the open man, polishing and orchestrating USC’s (the Trojan Horse) Sam Barry’s Tex Winter’s Triangle offense, , Bill Sharman’s,  Alex Hannum @ center; SC’s offensivepossibilities: calibrating options to the weak side…
Michael Jordan, Scotty Pip pen , John Paxton, Steve Ker (from downtown) incarnations. The Zen master giving Horace Grant“To kill the mocking bird”
Subsequently “Nietzsche”, to Shaq, in the Zen M aster’s  tourwith the Lakers reality at Staples. His reinvention andrenaissance at  Madison Square Garden. The Mecca of the Zenmaster’s double dribble . ..
Time out coach!
Mulling over the transition from picking the brains of coach RedHoltzman ‘s brains (’70,’73 NBA Champs) , programmingCoach Sam Barry, Tex Winter USC “triangle”. Its implementation as an algorithm, using the triangle ….the algorithm programming the 5 man offense to the weak side, the flowing deception   order scoring out of “chaos”, the fans going nuts, witnesses to their own providence and fate, paying out on the court....                        
.                                                                       IV
The Zen master’s long journey back to his Red Holtzman 6th mankibbitzing on the bench,  is a maturation over 44 years, the 68 old Zzen mastermind ,burdened by a knee replacement, wouldperpetuate his consciousness: his choice of Steve Kerr, his sharpshooting guard from “downtown” and the Chicago Bulls legacy,knows the triangle like the back of his Arizona bred hands and eyes, maturing the system with the Zen master’s Tex winters triangle…Jordan and Pippen, Horace Grant, the holy unholy trio.
USC Trojan architect Sam Barry’s triangle (Wilbur Johns UCLAout of mind, pre John Wooden_) where Tex Winter and Bill Sharman were indoctrinated with the coach’s system ….. ”Come the Revolution”
The idea that the Zen Master would ride the triangle for his metamorphosis is mind boggling, when one thinks of the cradle of the double dribble in umbilical chord  like New York Alban y Patrons (CBL) Chicago Los Angeles was  evolutionary  like Darwin’s own search for the  quest for growth and development I in the Galapagos Islands, Darwin out of Cambridge University, not North Dakota..
Two handed set shot was doomed as soon at Hank Luisetti of Stanford, pioneered his one handed laser, Hank synchronizing his brain waves with the “swish”, incubating rebirth, the Trojan coach fresh with the West Coast, Sam Barry inventing  the triangle and the athletes who in their weave, could make itoperative. a double pick..a pass into the paint….a player cuts to the weak side…freeing up the open man….
How else could a John Wooden at competitive UCLA have hisBruins win 77 straight NCAAgames. You could argue hisadvent of 7 footers..Alcindor (“Jabbar”) Walden…and then   Wilt Chamberlain went up against Bill Russell  at 6’9.
The double dribble as they sing, had come a long way. From those schoolyard hoops, into gyms and bleachers,  officials at scoring tables, strip shirted referees, screeching  adolescents in the bleachers.
Come the Revolution.  The triangle’s Cyber Space.. 
The 17 and 18 year old shoot around, schoolyard Spider man”give and go  fast break..a screen for a two handed set, andselflessness team play, chemistry of those yesterdays Friday and Saturdays:  what human could know what was playing out on the 93 by 50’ boards  eons later..
A Zen Master?
On hearing the chatter that the Zen Master was thinking ofchoosing Steve Kerr as his coach . The ultimate connective tissueKerr’s father in his role as President of the Lebanese American University in Beirut, was assassinated, his sonswishing from “downtown” at the University of Arizona ( aPacific Palisades High graduate ,near the UCL’s Bruins...  (Regent “Ed) Pauley Pavilion.
March 12, 2013.The City that never sleeps

Samuel Clements aka Mark Twain

Samuel Clements aka Mark Twaina reprint from Harpers Magazine, 1899
If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute roughly one per cent of the human race, a nebulous meaningless and insignificant puff of star dust, lost ii the blaze of the Milk way  (as an  asteroid passes in our galaxy)                                                                      II
Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extremely out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.
His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, law, finance, medicine, technology, and abstract learning are also out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers.
 He has made a marvelous fight in this world; ad all the time, he has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it.
The Egyptians, the Babylonians the Persians rose: filled the planet with their sound and splendor, then faded dream stuff and passed away.                                                                
The Greeks and then the Romans followed, and made a vast noise and they are gone.
Other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a while, but it burned out, and they sit in the twilight now, or have vanished.
The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his part, no slowing of his energies. No dulling of his alert and aggressive mind.
All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains.
What is the secret of his immortality? 

The city that never sleeps, March 4, 2014