Little did Doctor Sigmund Freud know in writing his “Civilization against the discontents”

Little did Doctor Sigmund Freud know in writing his “Civilization against the discontents” some 7 decades ago, that his hers (daughter Anna ,Yale Law School(Dean Lou Pollock)during  ‘Nam invasion I n South east Asia) ..her father’s thesiswould raise eyebrows in circles like Woodland Hills California, Brooklyn New York, Brussels Belgium, Dusseldorf Germany, Rotterdam Holland,
When Hitch (director Alfred Hitchcock (39 Steps) got online with his Foreign Correspondent (Joel McCrea) in Woodland Hills, Ca.
Joe, you ready for your loop into the Prime Ministers Rotterdam Square caper on Sunday?”
“Who can turn down an opportunity. A global opportunity on Universal Studio stages, ”responded the actor in his Foreign Correspondent role, his wife Francis Dee, indulging in her early morning libation…. apple strudel and latte.
“What’s the drift?” she thought, sipping the latte.
“Brussels slums and Dead End kid, having nowhere else to go. Brainwashed in Syria and Iraq, yielding  capers when they cross passport free borders, to claim their victims. A  sweet revenge sweeping through Europe’s landscape….Paris, Brussels, Dusseldorf, Rotterdam….”
Brainwashed suicide (“ to Kingdom come), bombers into Karachi, Pakistani, guilt free innocents… children in the amusement park and playground lot, for the ages. The “Discontents” whipping up their suicide crazies on Freud’s “Civilization wherever they can conceive….metros, musical halls, passenger airport terminals
Prime Minister public musings , Rotterdam’s Sunday protocol...the Swastika reinvented?
But at that moment…a divine intervention, a shattering of a thunderous rain storm , the pellets causing the crowd to dispersefor shelterthe Prime Minister gone, wisped away.
The next thing he knew rope tied, a gag in his mouth. Left for a lost soul of an actor, pretending to be  the Prime Minister, tied up behind the windmills thrust, the blades going in the wrong direction….
3/28/16 ‘Civilization against the discontents playing out.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

“The Charge of the Light Brigade” the suave Picadilly Square private eye  Raffles played by David Niven, his Sherlock Holmes partner(Dr. Watson) George Sanders ,having  dropped out of sight after a debilitating relationship with Zsa Zsa Gabor,had gone their separate ways, Basil Rathbone –Sherlock Holmes alone tried to think out the atrocities of the Brussels  airport and Metro invasions by two notorious brothers , brainwashed desperados on the loose.
A Sherlock Holmes Raffles collaboration into losing one’s selfto find yourself ,capturing the Turkish connection (Mozart’s melody), one of the brothers on the Turkish  terrorist watch list which the Brussels protectorate  failed to recognize, the multi layers authorities crippled by their 9 p.m.-5 a.m. blackout. The law a handicap  during those  bomb making cell..nails  theircoffins hours.
Therefore nailing the assassin and suicide bomber bogged down until the Basil Rathbone - Sherlock Holmes Raffles wacell phoned, his wave length into Mozarts Turkish Connection on his Stradivarius violin…the Turkish connection”
Aside from the “brothers link from Boston marathon Paris invasions of 2015, the second wave of French music hall invasions…home made bombs encrypted shock messages, DNA races found in garbage cans outside the treacherous unsuspecting betrayals.
Yet with it  all, the capture of the Paris cell leader four months after his being on the run…nabbed I his old Brussels neighborhood where he grew up..was a bright spot in the legendary musical taste of Sherlock the violin virtuoso   into Mozart’s Turkish  Connection.
“The Brothers association was a major key in the Boston massacre, the Paris  mow em down”assaults
Son the Brothers connection killings at the kosher grocery store. Then at the satirical magazine….the music hall 24 hour later, those brothers cornered and trapped near the Orly Airport, their escape route.
The two gum shoes  into Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Turkish Connection” the older brother
trained and retrained the aggression of the Brussels- Paris cell, the manhunt for the one suspect still on the make.  
31 dead d 331 wounded. The two sleuths sidestepping the bodies of the innocents, the red blood gurgling on the metro and airport floors. Shrieking cries of babies, the wounded crying,  bodyparts on the benches and mats.
This stage of 21stg century of dismemberment akin to WW2 ..6 million gone vanished forever, their dreams annihilated by those who failed to think for themselves, the stage of dismembermentand deep sleep awaiting……. March 24, 2016 The City that never sleeps.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

“The Charge of the Light Brigade” the suave Picadilly Square private eye  Raffles played by David Niven, his Sherlock Holmes partner(Dr. Watson) George Sanders ,having  dropped out of sight after a debilitating relationship with Zsa Zsa Gabor,had gone their separate ways, Basil Rathbone –Sherlock Holmes alone tried to think out the atrocities of the Brussels  airport and Metro invasions by two notorious brothers , brainwashed desperados on the loose.
A Sherlock Holmes Raffles collaboration into losing one’s selfto find yourself ,capturing the Turkish connection (Mozart’s melody), one of the brothers on the Turkish  terrorist watch list which the Brussels protectorate  failed to recognize, the multi layers authorities crippled by their 9 p.m.-5 a.m. blackout. The law a handicap  during those  bomb making cell..nails  theircoffins hours.
Therefore nailing the assassin and suicide bomber bogged down until the Basil Rathbone - Sherlock Holmes Raffles wacell phoned, his wave length into g Mozarts Turkish Connection on his Stradivarius violin…the Turkish connection”
Aside from the “brothers link from Boston marathon Paris invasions of 2015, the second wave of French music hall invasions…home made bombs encrypted shock messages, DNA races found in garbage cans outside the treacherous unsuspecting betrayals.
Yet with it  all, the capture of the Paris cell leader four months after his being on the run…nabbed I his old Brussels neighborhood where he grew up..was a bright spot in the legendary musical taste of Sherlock the violin virtuoso   into Mozart’s Turkish  Connection.
“The Brothers association was a major key in the Boston massacre, the Paris  mow em down”assaults
S on the Brothers connection killings at the kosher grocery store.Then at the satirical magazine….the music hall 24 hour later, those brothers cornered and trapped near the Orly Airport, their escape route.
The two gum shoes  into Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Turkish Connection” the older brother
trained and retrained the aggression of the Brussels- Paris cell, the manhunt for the one suspect still on the make.  
31 dead d 331 wounded. The two sleuths sidestepping the bodies of the innocents, the red blood gurgling on the metro and airport floors. Shrieking cries of babies, the wounded crying,  bodyparts on the benches and mats.
This stage of 21stg century of dismemberment akin to WW2 ..6 million gone vanished forever, their dreams annihilated by those who failed to think for themselves, the stage of dismembermentand deep sleep awaiting.
March 24, 2016 The City that never sleeps.

Our man in Havana

”Our man in Havana”   Spencer (“Spence to his amigos) Tracy,starring in Ernest Hemingway’s “Old ma and the Sea” “Papacatching the big one.
After some 88 years since Grover Cleveland visited the Island, some ninety miles off Florida, a literary contact with Fidel Castro, living in Hemingway’s  sanctuary at the tip of the Island, was rebuked 
by Fidel, saying “ Muchos gracias de nada, Senor.  After all those 50 anos of revolutionary counter corruption/ Batista, the awesome gambling,  the promiscuis hotels, we eradicated the oppositionion, and placed my brother  and myself into power,” said the staid retired Fidel, once the New York Times Man of the Year,  his sweeping tone and garb, changing the regime, itsstance of the kingpin pro moneyed gambling life style and  human rights of r Papa” as Marlene Dietrich knew the “Old man and the Sea
But for the liberating jazz culture from Joshua Edelman’s Spanish exportation, the Castro revolution was nevertheless a regime for the better. The dissident prisoners and the embargo “Key Largo” was mainly a reminder that a Democratic enduringquality of life was in futuro.
The imported Cuban cigars  was still cash and carry$$  from South Western and Pico Boulevard in our UCLA rf  of memorable yesterdays. Those baseball afficiandos fleeingHavana, for the big “fish” in America, like pitching for theYankees …the big leagues and the dinero, realizing their potential, establishing their heritage as existential professional players who grew up with the little league in their Cuban souls.
Hungry immigrants fiercely determined to transcend  PapaHemingway’s “The Sun also Rises” tattooing their  dreamy determination on these Spanish vernacular  players…
”Jackie Robinsons with terrific hand and eye coordination”” (President Obama’s farewell address in Havanabreaking the color line…the grandson of a slave cropper..
The Hemingway Nobel Prize  Old ma and the Sea  the Sun also rises had metamorphosed into 
emancipation for daring escapes into the Florida Keys and into Key Largo Democracy.
March 21, 2016 The City that never sleeps.

Where have they all gone?

Where have they all gone?  Woody Allen? ? Diane Keaton’sAnnie Hall Verdugo Hills High   (Mrs. Burke, Lenny Ross’s $64000 Quiz kid)
The enchantment, the possibilities, the Gershwin immigrativengrip of the musical potential of transcending the  stage of the City that never sleeps...
Is it the election year? An orphan, the Sultan of Swat?  60 four baggers! Cleaning up the bases, this so of immigrants, sitting in the right field bleachers, chewing on cracker jacks, hearing Gladys Gooding singing  our Star Spangled Banner…watching Hilda and her brass band, panhandle the overtures and Wagnerian streams of the unconscious from Sigfried’s  destiny,the composer himself fleeing creditors, identifying  with daughters( of Franz Liszt, a genius  composer) where he could find them.
The possibilities of a clean up batter like Lou Gehrig? Pete Reiser or Willie Mays (“the say hey kid) chasing down a thunderous fly like an Alibi Ike (Joe E. Brown)  hitching up his trousers, his gazelle like mind into thinking of hitching his dreams to the boss’s daughter.
Julie Garfunkel (John Garfield)  “dreams with kisse4s in them” as he and Lana Turner rendezvous at Malibu necking heist..  (“the Postman always rings twice”) their jalopy into the dashing waves of the PCIFIC Ocean, her Cecil Kellaway ‘H’, tied and gagged in the trunk. Julie and Lana on the hill, watching their hubby bound jalopy sin, vanish into the waves  of “their impossible drams.
Lou Gehrig, the cleanup batter, the Columbia graduateat first base…diagnosed with an infallible crippling disease…””I am the happiest man o the face of this Earth”, the mike in his hand, standing at home plate, immigrants and their children in the stands, weeping crying .
Sanctuary (the Statue of Liberty) , their eyes, chiseled chins, in disbelief as the ballpark metamorphosed into a transcending memorial on life’ stage: one of their heroes, a champion was taken from their midst, dying in front of their eyes. ad their small talk and petty misdemeanors of their own survival.               
Lana Tuner’s husband gurgling in the trunk, at the bottom of those Malibu based ocean waves.
March 17, 201 6  The City that never sleeps  

Roman Rolland’s The Life of Beethoven……

Roman Rolland’s The Life of Beethoven……vis a vi bandleader Artie Shaw, a child of immigrants, “the life of Beethoven”, his post fame “:Begin the Beguine” stirring the 400 pot where Buddy Rich, synchronized his two bangers o the drums, his gums and mouth chewing fiercely, Buddy Rich smothering the drums 
and their sidekicks, thirteen journalists of the City that never sleeps, raptures as in a hypnotic trance watching the drummer  into his b eat, like in a dream as he demonstrates his cadencecatapulting  the drumstick ricochets. 
On a baby sitter on a weekend Midwood High School job at an elevator apartment house around the corner from the girl’s gymon Glenwood Road, could appreciate the jazz idiom post World War2  Gene Krupa, a coming upstart to our baby sitting patronBuddy Rich.
But of course we can hear you ask “What about Paul Whiteman and his relationship with Tin Pan Alley’s George Gershwin’s“Rhapsody in Blue”..Come a Revolution as Bernie Sanders of Brooklyn nee Brattleboro, Vermont argues, nee is Presidential tide runs its course thru Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina..                                      
Herein “Begin the Beguine” runs its  Hoagy CarmichaeI and his hubris Indiana twang Elmer Bernstein and his Valley College baton and sound track Andre Previn with his MG pinanisimo…. North Hollywood High’s, John Williams E.T”’s. extraterrestrial sound Arthur Fiedler’s Boston Pops, chasing fire engines… 
Guy Lombardo ad his velvet sound from the Hotel Pennsylvania and his motor boating wharf above our aunt’s stucco flowered lighthouse oFreeport’s(L.I.) Lomg Island Sound.
Harry James( spouse Betty Grable) tooting his horn  The trumpet breathless hornout into space. From the New Jersey heights ,overlooking the West Side Highway, the George Washington Bridge, above Riverside Drive …(Daniel Adler furs)  Vaughan Monroe at the Brighton Beach Baths, his drift, resonant of the “White Cliffs of Dover…his “Green Sleeves” in  and around the basketball courts., the Ocean waves lapping the Coney Island sands ,outside the Brighton Brach Baths gate.
Perry Como’s lungs soaring “Prisoner of love” over Bay 7, the Atlantic Ocean, the islands in th forlorn China distance….Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly”, Archie Leach off his boardwalk on stilts, placard “hot dogs, knishes” nee Cary Granton the silver screen..  Gene Autry strumming “the ole prairie  coyotes                                                                                                          
Meanwhile Phil Spitalny  and his all femme orchestra, spread their sound over radio. Charlie Spivak echoing his sound on 5nd  Ben Blue and his Santa Monica crew, his cerebral rhythms over Brentwood, West Los Angeles environs. Herb Alpert below Sunset on Fairfax.
Street jazz .  the bebop of  Kansas City’s Charley Parker resonating in and around Jack Dempsey’s bar and grill, the “cookamanya cookamanya  playing out.                                                          
Charlie Parker (The Bird) and Dizzy Gillespie hitched their bepop on Route 66 to Hollywood…., Sunset and Vermont . Where the Bird relished his drug induced sound ,playing to the Archie Bunkers of the post World War 2 aficiandos
Freddy Martin and his orchestra, across Wilshire, the Swedish idiom)town at the Coconut Grove, his hands on the keyboard  “Tonight we love”…….. Horace Height in the Valley, Woody Herman ‘s “thundering herd” in the Hills, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Eckstine, Quincy Jones  into the S. Central scene. 
Bob Crosby and his Bob Cats, Sir George Martin  LennonMcCarthy  (Yellow Submarine beat))Across town at the beach, the Venice Pier (The Aragon Ballroom While at Ocean Park’s Casino Gardens, Jimmy Dorsey toured, waiting ,off theboardwalk, his brother Tommy and his  high flying entourage, (Sinotra) waiting for a gig at Hollywood’s Palladium…. Herb Alpert’s “Tijuana Brass” across town.
Benny Goodman and his  clarinet concerto, waiting in the wings.….
• Earl Carrol’s Vanities  on Sunset, its stucco walls celebrate d with names and stars of celebrities.; Hollywood Bowl (ZubinMehta) Culver City and  Glen Gray and his Casa Loma orchestra. Alvino Rey as his consortium and as his backup.   Stan Kenton and his progressive sound in the Hollywood Hills. Phil Harris Dick Powell before he metamorphosed into a director, Dennis Day…. Dick Powell, Bing CrosbyTony Bennet Frank Sinotra…Xavier Cugat, Liberace ad his brother George stone deaf too Rossini’s  William Tell Overture, the Lone Ranger  and Tonto “kimosabi”, the masked man pursuing outlaws.
• Josephine Baker’s karma from Harlem, thwarting the “Red”stigma, taking her persona to Paris, reestablishing her cabaret liberation…Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington to their regret..Apollo theater, Hazel Scott ditto
The City was rocking, knowing the  Beatles of Liverpool were waiting to break the big bands.However our narrative of Artie Shad abandoning his “Begin the Beguine” sound for Beethoven and literary success, met and wooed Lana Turner of Hollywood High School. He subsequently met and married Ava Gardner (the Barefoot Contessa”) + alignment  falling askew like chopsticks..
Moving to the West Valley for his Beethoven tonality, the maestro avoided offers from Yale Music School, USC;s  music school, UCLA’s Opera Work shop, reaching back to Bonn, Germany and Vienna where Ludwig Vona being mentored byJoseph Haydn….the rest is History…the 9th Symphony…”the Ode to Joy, the voices and the Beethoven soul, resonating into Eternity; Yehudi Menuhin’s ad in the Manchester Guardian, reading it at Heatcliff airport…Isaac Stern from Carnegie Hall,rescuing the vaunted Hall on East 57th Street , opposite the Carnegie Deli….those lush Corn Beef, Hot Pastrami on Rye.
To the au contraire Lawrence Welk ad his Swedish “friendly beyond friendly” voice, 3000 miles away, Santa Monica television ,nee Shangri-la, his gig a block away, on Wilshire...where decades and decades ago, we sidestepped pre World War 2 traffic, sidestepping cars, hawking Chandler and Hearst newspapers ( Los Angeles Times.  Examiner) at night, after spending 6th grade at McKinley Elementary.
Meanwhile Artie Shaw, his Begin the Beguine” resonating through those orange orchids into chicken coops was into assimilating the Ludwig Von Beethoven revolutionary tone, his immortal Ninth Symphony and Ode to Joy chorus, heralding his passionate of a once stone deaf manifesto to those Napoleonicego trips…the conquistador beholden to Beethoven, his immortal presence deleting the Emperor’s persona from aSymphonic dedication..
March 13, 2016 The City that never sleeps.