Although it could well be argued that our moments of personal discovery…

Although it could well be argued that our moments of personal discovery….
Recognizing Woody Allen on the Avenue J bus. On his way to his  academia …Midwood High School, shere he tooled his satirical skill in Henry Fuchs Senior class, before departing Sid Caesar’s “Show of Shows”….Second Banana Carl Reiner, Imagene Coco (“tewinkle toes”, ) Mel Brooks sharpening the hilarious impersonations of the foibles of Sultan of Swatmankind..
A Wily Loman(Lee J.Cobbpersona searching for panacea on a slave ship, sailing from the Portugal colony of Montezuma?......a force of nature (“Handes opf Stone” like the Sultan of Swat, hi engaging  soul,embracing the fans at Yankee Stadium, pointing to the grand stand pasturs where he would celebrateanother four bagger blast….”60 for the Babe!” 
“A force of nature”…Lee J. Cobb’s alter ego manangerto“Golden boy’s violinist turned “I coulda bee a contender” Pasadena’s William Holden..Breda Marshall.  ..Clifford Odets “Golden boy” metamorsing into Billy Wilder’s “ SunsetBoulevard” stream of consciousness .
“I’m ready for my close up, Mister Wilder”
Yet in the ensuing days, the Jack Webb “Dragnet” played out ascenario of the L.A. Boyle Heights Hollenbeck police web site ofd anti social behavior that blitzed the American Dreams of ofmovie moguls like Jack Warner (“Use the old can of tnnis balls, Solly”)….  Paramount studio Cecil B. DeMille Ten Commandments Cecil B. DeMille “Moses (Charlton Heston’sNorthwestern University drama school).
Above it all looms Lee J Cobb, the Bronx born actor transcends th Americn Dreeam, doesn’t he? His identification with Arthur Miller’s Wily Lomanb (“Death of a salesman”) epitomizes the trappings of the American Dram. As his widow perceives…(Wily’s burial rites)
“Be apprised boys and girls. All my Wily wanted was recognition. That’s all.”
The Brooklyn based Avenue J bus….Montana Frank behind the wheel, Woody Allen a passenger, on  his way to his a.m. classes at Midwood High School, his “Show of Shows” rehearsals in the Big Apple’s p.m.…                      
August 23, 2016. The City that never sleeps.

Sid Caesar’s satirical sketches

Sid Caesar’s satirical sketches, second banana Carl Reiner Imogene “Twinkle toes” Coca….Woody Allen in disguise!

Remember the Avenue J bus that Woody Allen caught on his way to his morning Midwood High 
School classes ON Bedford Avenue while  Jackie Robinson’s Ebbets Field Dodgers, that trip  to school, included JuloieRaskin                   who wrote a note as Chairman of the PhysicalEducation Department to UCLA, favoring “the Flying Philosopher”, Henry Fuchs, the English Department Chairman, Murray and Kappie Eisenstadt ,both serving 185 birthdaystogether…Murray 95, Kappie 90, at a gala under the 4 Bridges in Williamsburg, his role as Civicpro&mento, tennis coach, the Eisenstadts into bridge cards in the Senior Center at BrooklyCollege, Murray also Chairing the enrolling classes for Seniors…in addition to his tennis acumen at the Arthur Ashe Billy Jean King facilities in Astoria(having moved the U.S. Open from Forest Hills)
But in the afternoon, Woody Allen departed fo producer Max Liebman “Show of Shows”  for the Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner, Imogene Coco (tinsel toes) rehearsals. 
Here Howie Morris, or second banana Carl Reiner would go through their paces, mimicking the sanity of the post WW2 powers&nuances of post WW2 ego trips of “Civilization and the disco0ntents” as auteur Mel Brooks interpreted it.(“2000 year old man”)
A MOUITHFUL WE HEAR YOU SAY WITH THE WISDOM OF CBS’S  Edward R. Murrow (“Voice of America”), Eric Severod (Tufts Board of Directors) Mike Wallace, Walter Cronkite, Lawrence Lowman. (Ray Bloch’s musical scores)….long before Archie Bunker, chronicles of Norman Lear’s farther of Hartford, Connecticut. Where we lectured FreshmanPhilosophy at the U/conn. branch on Asylum Avenue..
Passengers on the bus driven by Montana Frank**** once of North Hollywood and Montana, were Matilda Cuomo, wife of Governor of Ne York Governor Mario, and mother of the 21t century Governor Andrew, and CNN’s correspondent Chris Cuomo.
The bus passing the drug store wherMidwood’s Physics a andChemistry teacher Al Padow worked his “charisma and charm,since departing his post in Midwood’s Science Department. Along his side in the pharmacy was a Syracuse Universitygraduate, Larry
Baumwall, ) a caring sensitive Midwood High alum of East 26Street state of mind.****  
August 15, 2016  Verdugo Hills High School Sunland Tujunga California.  ….MGM’s Dore Schary, pianist leaders Andre Previn, Lukas Foss  (Brooklyn Philharmonic) Annie Hall”  Diane Keaton…..”to be continued”  

The Sutton Place saga of 76 year old Florence Foster Jenkins

The Sutton Place saga of 76 year old Florence Foster Jenkins, a dreamer of an opera singer as Meryl Streep, once of Yale’sDrama School,( 1960’s.Jon Jory, the “Shadow’s” son ditto)identifying with Florence’s dream, Hugh as her exasperated e reality off key discords, the audience sitting on  their CarnegieHall hands as our Florence Foster Jenkins plays out surreal moneyed pretensions.
The spoofing a 180 degree from the cosmic consciousness of the Australia diva ex secretary Joan Sutherland….Casting for the divine, Spanish Victoria de Los Angeles  into LuluWozzeck” “Carmen”… Roles for Maria Callas who may have sold out her soul for Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping magnate. Subsequently JFK’s widow’s  ‘H’.
Or in our yesterdaY6S, growing upOur mother Esther listening in the kitchen of our fifth floor elevator apartment in Flatbush, amist the Murder Incorporated  mayhem ad angst of Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Segal, Golden Gloves “I wuz always a contender”, Al “Bummy” Davis.
The Metropolitan Opera and Lily Pons, listening to Andre Kostalonitz. Beethoven’s only opera “Fidelio”. 
Ah the Joan Sutherland divine!. The cosmic consciousness indeed. Little did we adolescents know what the score was inour yesterdays of Murder Incorporated  in Brownsville. Not ainstinct or a hunch that there was a divine providence, a cosmic consciousness beyond Golden Gloves fist a cuffs.  Boys and girsto find yourself like Joan Sutherland high C’s cracking the sound barrier.                                                   IV
Could the Yale Drama School’s Meryl Streep live up to thosedreams and expectations, identifying with 76 year old vocalize of Sutton Place socialite Florence Foster Jenkins. off key rhythmic sounds.
These larger than life Goddesses will be all ears.  
August 11, 2016. Big Apple theaters, a mist a noisy sound and fury planet

“Didya ever see a blind man who didn’t smile, readers?”

Didya ever see a blind man who didn’t smile, readers?”
In this case, his name is “Cookie” (no not the Avenue J luncheonette on Avenue ‘J’ on Midwood High School’s Woody Allenbus line of World War 2, but an Italian Villa Bogesi, who with his ten year old niece  checked and beheaded a PHD fraud who aspired to take over the intelligensia, programmed research of a       Roman based international high IQ reality into instutative criminal behavior.
In short the discovery genetically of the DNA hereditary logerimakin the double hewlix  genetic XYY.
Not a James Bond fantasy nor a 21st century visionary AgathieChristie s catacomb hauntged 6 murdered scientist stream of consciousness.
Who and why was the riddle that “Cookie” and his  nine year old niece Lauren. Thuis begins our convoluted  Italian mystery when a man falls off railroad platform while waiting for a trainon an outside platform……..
Perusing the newspaper account the next day Lauren reading the front page tragedyto “Cookie” the 
Uncle “Cookike sees”s that the photo  was cropped byy the paper’s photographer.
Thgus the cinme spree begins…..our “Cookie “, Loren’s blind Uncle,, his niece dials the editorial office, “Cookie”  “The train  station photo was cropped!”:
The editorial “Bond” then calls the lab, the photographer picks out the negative.
“You’re right. It was a murder. The victim was pushed!
(part one Novella Roma, hereditary criminal behavior pursuit by PHDs.

Our Robert Redford (a student at Van Nuys High) James Bond sniffs out the trail with “Cookie” and Loren goes into the intelligensia criminal behavior. The stunning XYY     discovery for criminal behavior being perpetuated by  genetic traits of hereditary. 
The stunning discovery is revealed iun an interview at the intstution’s
Strictured lAboratory. The second in command revealing his own pHD ambitions were seemingly compromised….at that moment, the bonde “daughter” of the chairman  of the board, enters, revealing hewrVilla Borghesi chrms, our Lord Byron James Bond flappergsted by the senuous “daughter” in this English murder caper of an Italian “broadhouse”  of heredity criminality and the need for PHD recognition on the stage…erudiote murders down tgh train line, the photo lab, a strangle of the Instution’s sedcreary caught in her locket…an invasion of the cemetery where she’s buried…and the final chase inside the foundation’s James Bond laboratories and  theLoren held rans ransom in an elevatror shaft, our Robert Redford “sceting out the killer when the gendarmes fail to capture the corporate insider.
Cookie”nbbing the PHD upstart “Where’s my niece?”
“I murdered her” says the unrecognized PH
killer, unaware that our Robert Redford James Bond journalisthas found “Cookie’s” niece bounbd and 
gagged in the elevator shaft.
Augst 7, 2016.   Via NomantanaNovela Roma, off the Via Veneto catacombs.

Between Clint Eastwood, the former Mayo of Carmjel

Between Clint Eastwood, the former Mayo of Carmjel, California, and the television’s Mavereckr of the Warner Brothers series in Burbank, he driving upp to ur LA State’s Education bungalow at LA State graduate class….and our Beverly Hills neighbor on Noth Wetherly Drive Igar Stravinsky  “The Rite of Spring”, it was discernible that our Beverly Hills neighbor ‘s “Rite offspring” was a riveting narrative itoimmortal memory.
Between the two notable celebrities….one an Italian virtuoso on a horseback…Eastwood carrying his warner Brothers television role across Rome’s 7 steps and the Papacy,iunto Fellini’s-“La Dolche Vita”.
The North Weatherly Drive Beverly Hills  address of Opera maestro of Igor Stravinsky transcends the scene into the Parisian Left Bank….Matisse, Sakespeare and Company, Grand Hotel of France Baudelaire, the scent of amour arousing Igor’s “Rite of Spring”.
Who would know that a womanizer, a former Sunset Boulevard valet, trying to get a notcvh up into clinht Eastwood’s trickle down tee vee WQestern on the Warner lot in Burbank, exploiting his older sister to get  into the “industry”.
Surreptious phone calls before the electronic revolution, the honchos having their appetites whetted by the “valet”, selling out his older sister for his mercenary aggrandizement and “valet” ego trip on Sunset Boulevard, parking cards, whole on the make.
Marketing his own sister. Could her moans and wails into the orfolk,California psycotherapoy unit of dissonance and nervous breakdowns…remembering “nothing wrong with your Uncle Max . Al he needed was emotional support” sai the Shrink, thumbing through our Uncle’s dossier.
A womanizer selling out his own sister……” Can you blame me? You can’t park cars forever! Can you?”
August 5, 2016. “Im ready for my close up, MesserStravinsky…Eastwood”

WHERE WERE YOU Apollo 13?1969?

WHERE WERE YOU Apollo 13?1969? The man on the moon landing anniversary!
Mickey Rooney cast as the Andy Hardy of Judge Hardy’s family. (Lewis Stone, Fay Painter) in his role as a Western Union messenger to James Craigmanager father figure, delivering Defense Department wires to Gold Star mothers during World War2.
Hearing the Hospital for Special Surgery (WQXR) 13000 Storie’s Where the World gets back in the game”, from the summer’s Central Park , Andy Hardy pedaling his two wheeler thru the meadows, toward the Brooklyn Bridge and Quentin Reynolds home in Flatbush, the columnist’s mother having a Gold Star in her window, between Glenwood Road and Avenue H’s local BMT station.
A Presidential campaign year, Andy Hardy cared no less about the campaign, the rough and tumble of politics (Ucla’s Dr. Titus (Machiavelli) “All the Kings Men, the Hoftra Law School offering the saliva tongue lashing debate in September.
The Gold Star mother’s digs weren’t anything like John Williams “Srtar Wars” in North Hollywood, but Andy Hardy under the guidance of hi cell phone Western Union manager (James Craig remember) had confidence that what he was paying outdelivering…these telegrams from the War Department of WW2 fatalities to the next of kin …in no way mitigate the genius of our Generals Marshall, “Ike” Omar Bradley.
How could Andy Hardy have known in those yesterdays growing up in those yesterdays of Flatbush…Jacdkie Robinson breaking the color line with theDodgers at Ebbets Field, that the masses some six or seven decades later, could not recognize what was playing out.
That a share cropper’s dream of a grandson oputof South Pasadena High, UCLA, WW 2, the Negro League, had a different skin pallor. The eye and hand coordination that was Branch Rickey(the Dodgers hiring exec).
Andy Hardy, telegram in hand, rang the Gold Star mother’s doorbell. The BMT local nd express trais to coey Islands lasTstop….
Donald J. Trump’s father…his rental three floor apartments,stretching  on the buss line to Ocean Parkway and Sur Avenue.  The BMT’s ast stop.
August 3, ,2016   The City that never sleeps