Senator Joe McCarthy on his stump, Roy Cohen, the lefal eagle of the CVity that never sleeps, at his footsteps, cheming I n on the Hollywood Ten,the Ambassador Hotel scion, sharing their space, ten days to the election for the Preisidecy of our Un itedStates of America, throwing the “Commie” sound nd fury “Cmmie” on a bewildered American public, not knowing their gig was playing out `LOSERS NEVER WIN. YOURCHARACTER IS YOUR FATE. LOSERS NEVERWIN.”
Octorber 29, 20166  The City that never sleeps.

Ralpph Kramden outwitting Archie Bunker

Ralpph Kramden outwitting Archie Bunker, refusing to admit Archie into his Kramden bus on the way to his Kramde garage in  the heart and soul of the Big Apple. 
“Let Archie take thenext bus. He’s no friend of mine,” said claimed Jackie Gleaon of Bernsonhurt in the guie of Ralph Kramden, the awesome CBS television show of shows, pilotinghis rig thru the pre 2016  USA presidential election dynamics aqt the garage.
“Art Carey of East 14th Street and Avenue H in Flatbush, his penthouse above the Bohacks grocery store and two b locks down from th BMT local stop.
Ralphie, you’re the greast. Seventy hears old and still in the  cradle to the grave human race race. Never conceding .Competig against the traffic to the very end. Your father would be proud of his umero uno son.God bless Ralphie.”
10/20/16 Pre election sound and fury traffic in our tee veegarage culture.        

The Sultan of Swat

“The Sultan of Swat” appearing before the Oracle of Delphi, confessing to his masquerqde mon our planet.
“Sure4, you csn play our “Lets pretend” role. Everybody finds their own lev el,” said the former Prsideial candidate Adlai Stevenson, reflecting on    author Sinclair Lewis biopsy of preacher (Burt Lancaster) Elmer Gantry.         
Ofcourse I was living a lie” said the Sultan of Swat, his tone changing as he confessed to his Gantry role, taqing off hiswmask. Of ego triupping.
“You can fool some of the people some of he time. You can fool most of the people most of the time. But you can’t fool yourself any of the time”.
“It catches up with you, doesn’t it?” asked the Oracle at Delphi.
“Remember you pretended to be the “sultan of swat”  in small letters.
October 8, 2016  Burt Lancaster in  the role  “the sultan of swat”
The Oracle of Delphi from the Suth Bronx, the City that never sleps.