“Ah to weave and interweave the myth of Ma Barker”

Ah to weave and interweave the myth of Ma Barker (Shelly Winters of East New York, Jefferson High School, Woolworth’s five ad ten cent store, the Beverly Hills Tenn is Club and her “take” on t5he 2016 grasp of Monica Lewinsky of North Hollywood and the intimate Bill Clinto White House.
A startling providential issue is the dtyteof Texas’s Marshall’soffice, capturing in Mexico, the 18 year old fugitive and his mother for violating the son’s probation for taking the lives of four human beings in a gassed up traffic craze whick took their lives, the judge putting the 15 year old on probation, vwithoutserving any time. The theory being the the youth’s upbringing by moneyed parents, failed to give him,any moral distinctions between right and wrong..
“Money corrupts in this instance,” cried Ma Barker. “The 18 year old fugitive, aided and abetted by his mother,” claimed Ma Barker, demanding justice and a reality check o  the Judge’s state of mind (since retiring,after weighing the spoiled yet fraqgile deportment of the spoiled son and his relationship to his influential mother, wehpo in her maternal ego trip may have engineered the tarnished releaSe of her adolescent son.
Leniencecy and looking sideways in our cyberspace cosmos, demands a rethinking of a criminal behavior of a mother son state of mind, when the mother seems to be the master mind of her sonm’s opwn evil behavior. But the judge’s leniency failed to takie in account the mercenary neurons played out by the mother, spinning her  weave their knitting or croqueting their undue influence of money corrupts in more ways than one.
On another level, the Monica Lewinsky oval office with the President Clinton trappings, is a lesser ego trip, where anillusionary dimension of statemanship is manifested in an unbelievable North Hollywood  impressive Monica from “Santa Monica
December 29, 2015  The Cityh that never sleeps.   .        

‘For ones moment of personal discovery”

For ones moment of personal discovery” of wealthy Midwestern parentslater Pasadena) Howard Hawks discovers his Harvard led idiom thru his “Dawn Patrol” and “Only Angels have Wings” later to the Hollywood studio lots, Hawks original story.
If his memory serves him right of those Ivy League “Brookjlyn” memories, his directorial interpretations of the World War one reality “air” he grew up with, brings a experience that identifies his time being sensitive and alive to his crew of Cary Grant (Arhie Leqach, the barnstorming pilot and “hiot shot”businessman of the ransacked bar and grill, which underscoredthe operations upstairs.flying mail thru the Andes Mountains, off the South American coast.
It is this ambiance, that the “Dawn Patrol” unfurls  into “Angels with wings”. Two charistic bits of dialogue “Brooklyn” utteredin the downstairs  clambake by Jean Arthur waiting for a ship to tke her from  the bar and grill. ..Allan Joslyn…”Duitchy”SigRoman, Noah Beery, Jr.
Second, a memorable tossing of die,born fro m huis Hawks undergraduate memoiries at Harvard, playing “craps”. Throwing the dice…in this scenario a two headed coin,heads you win, tails you lose”, Jean Arthur catching the “heads” flip from Cary Grant as he leaves for a dare deviling flight to the hospital, carrying a bullet wound.
If this be the birth of aviation in the aftermath of World War oe…cargo being nitrol, mail, and blustery radio calls from ground to air, the feats of fearlessness flying these Floyd Bennet(Brooklyn) two winged prop planes, to a vast uncharted hoirzon, comparable to the Empire State horizons leads to “Hells Angels”. The other Howard (Hughes) and “Hells Angels” and Jean Harlow.
So among this down to earth case..Thomas Mitchell, the bartender, “Doc” Rita Hayworth, Richaqrd Barthelmess living with his sin..parachuting while the pilot goes down with the mountainous crash.
To an English actor named Archie Leach, advertising hot dogs and sauerkraut and a keg of beer on Coney Island’s boardwalk,…doing it al on stilts…was but a “aplum” in Howard Hawks casting of Cary Grant as the gang buster hero of this raggedy flying business, where the inhabitants spoike “habla el Espanol
English, and other tough macho tongues, ready to right a wrong.
It was in this cosmos that Katherine Hepburn, Mary Astor, Jean Arthur, Rosalind Russel, Bogy, Jimmy Cagney, Paul Muni, George Raft flipping the “craps” , the “I wanted wings” idiom playing out in the skies above and the “ Only AngelhaveWings” below. to “Brooklyn” Hawks living up to his name, the memorable scenes, foretasting the jet age and the “craps” that go with it.
December 28, 20915  The City that never sleeps                                   

Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino

Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California…. The  earliest staging of  some 23 years in those earliest Mojave Desert speed of sound jet service as the Group Intelligence officer for the Air Force Reserve, Canoga Park, California, off Sherman Way and Steering, during the Cuban crisis, Krushchevsteering missiles toward Havana..
“Everybody is being tested. I don’t care who the hell they are. What role  on our stage, they are playing out,” said General Paul McGuire, the World War 2 Korea San Bernardino  in a Brooklyn Armory during World War 2, and part of the Military jury duding Humphrey Bogart’s “ Queeg Court Martial”.                                    
The scenario’s relevance six decades ago is the terror of  alignment of post war indigent groups to kill maim sabotage the once staid American way of life, similar to the Isis bred Parismassacres, murderous rampage on soft targets…soccer stadium,musihall, sidewalk cafes, Kosher grocery store and a satirical  magazine….
Home grown radical brain washing of young naïve human beings tempted but into a murderous cult in the Arabian Desert to alter change the cactus of the San Bernardino turf by assaullong rifles, machine guns, pipe bombs and the element of surprise ….
But the metamorphosis of their murderous cult is not as in Humphrey Bogart’s own “Cain Mutiny” and inquisition of Fred Mac Murray or Van Johnson stealing strawberries from  the ship’s pantry.
Bogy’s metamorphosis   into STEALING THEIR SOULS.
Young men and women (ii n this instance, a married couple)     searchingplotting , buying into a vision,    disillusioned , their souls captured  by the Ayatollah, Jim Dandy, the High Priest of temptation, their souls captured and they are gone, vanquished by their own gullibility ,into believing they cam outwit their  once promising aspiring roles.
Sacrificed to the angry Gods of inevitable soft target…their own souls. 
The cream cheese bandit thought he could beat the system, faking his Darwinian metamorphosis is for  the sake of d being brain washed by the masquerade on the outside. But on the inside he sold his soul for his Darwinian existence
“The man in the gray flannel suit.”
His phony existence, selling his soul, rehearsing for the inevitable sellout. Appearances was his doom!  Freud’s “Civilization against the discontents! 
Prometheus Unbound! Until death do us part… into their winter of discontent.  
December 3, 2015  The City that never sleeps.

Slaughter House Gang

Slaughter House Gang playing out their massacres to be on Interstate 91..the San Berdu freeway in the “Watching the Cadillac(s) go by”, Brooklyn Literary Review 1985 (Irwin  Shaw on the cover “The Young Lions”)) Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift.
Brainwashed by the Ayatollah, the two American born converts planned on going out with a last minute pipe bomb avalancefrom the hills, overlooking “Watching the Cadillac(s) go by” and his companion in evil, spreading their copycat suicide, going car to car on the 191 Interstate. , “the San Berdu Freeway.”
Abandoning their isolated insanity, on hearing a murderous plot was thwarted in Riverside “Dusty Acres”.
Their eye ball chemistry detonating their pipe bombs in the“high noon” cafeteria of San Berdu’s’s Community College.
An onslaught bigger than Warner Brothers “Petrified Forest”, a Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Bogy madcap, the brainwashed doom into Paulette Goddard’s ”Reap the wild wind”. 

And “Kingdom done”
December 20, 2015 The City that never sleeps.                                

Spend more h they earn

“Spend more h they earn, to buy things they don’t need, to impress humans they don’t like“, was the motto of route 66 riding roughshod between Deadth Valley, the  Mohave  Desert, 29 Palms,
Pinto Mountain, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Riverside, San Berdu, Rancho de Mirage…. The gambling meccas of LostrWages to the North, and the card players vista Gardena to the South…..the City of Angels and the film industry’s sound and fury to the East.
In between the cactus desert sands, the Air Foprce
Supported bases at March Air Force Base, Norton ,
George, Edwards, Dusty Acres, the legendary shooting range 
for target practice while earning a UCLA Politicl Science degree at Westwood Village’s Ucl campus,Colnel Bing ,Chancellor Franklin Murphy, Regents Dorothy Chandler, Ed Pauley, ad assistat Chancellor ????? who arrived on cam,pus, fromneighboring San Berdu to make his 29 year mark on campus.????
The Charles (“Chuck”) Young research library named fo his 29 years.                     
It was in this ambiance, that the incidious haves and have notsarose in the souls of the Arabian Desert usurpers and conspiringmurders in 9/11, Iraq, Syria, Paris and San Berardino, California.
December18, 2015  The City that never sleeps.

Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California….

Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California…. The  earliest staging of  some 23 years in those earliest Mojave Desert speed of sound jet service as the Group Intelligence office for the Air Force Reserve, Canoga Park, California, off Sherman Way and Steering, during the Cuban crisis, Krushchevsteering missiles toward Havana..
“Everybody is being tested. I don’t care who the hell they are. What role in on our stage, they are playing out,” said General Paul McGuire, the World War 2 Korea San Bernardino  in a Brooklyn Armory during World War 2, and part of the Military jury duding Humphrey Bogart’s “ Queeg Court Martial”.                                    
The scenario’s relevance six decades ago is the terror of  alignment of post war indigent groups to kill maim sabotage the once staid American way of life, similar to the Isis bred Parismassacres, murderous rampage on soft targets…soccer stadium,musihall, sidewalk cafes, Kosher grocery store and a satirical journalistic magazine….
Home grown radical brain washing of young naïve human beings tempted but into a murderous cult in the Arabian Desert to alter change the cactus turf of the San Bernardino turf by assault long rifles, machine guns, pipe bombs and the element of surprise ….
But the metamorphosis of their murderous cult is not as in Humphrey Bougard’s own radicalism and inquisition of Fred Macmurray or Van Johnson , stealing strawberries from  the ship’s pantry.
Bogy’s metamorphosis   into STEALING THEIR SOULS.
Young men and women (ii n this instance, a married couple)     searchingplotting , buying into a vision,   , disillusioned , their souls captured  by the Ayatollah, Jim Dandy, the High Priest of temptation, their souls captured and they are gone, vanquished by thei9r own gullibility ,into believing they cam outwit their  once promising role.s.
Sacrificed to the angry Gods of inevitable soft target…their own souls. 
The cream cheese bandit thought he could beat the system, faking his Darwinian metamorphosis is for  the sake of d being brain washed by the masquerade on the outside. But on the inside he sold his soul for his Darwinian extent.
His phony existence, selling his soul, trading it for the inevitable sellout. Appearances his doom!  Freud’s “Civilization against the discontents! 
Bankrupting human beings into their winter of discontent.  
Strawberries anyone?
December 3, 2015  The City that never sleeps.