WHETHER IT WAS AN ACCIDEN T OR NOT, hearing a critique  abut Fyodor Dostoyevsky “Brother Karamazov”, this corner was taken aback to our yesterdays, putting in our time at the  Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Brentwood, several miles outside the post WW2 UCLA academic environs….KherckoffHall, the Library, Royce Hall Physics Building, the quad, administrative building, theater arts, parking lots, the L.A.  Santa Monica bus terminal….Jans Steps, men and women’s gym, the swimming poolwater polo. 
Coach John Wooden – Athletic Director Wilbur Johns immortal   “on the glass” legacy“We’ll leave six ducats at the Gardengate, “Whitey”. (Madison Square Garden’s N.I.T Invitational)                                                                                                                            
Almost in the same breath, Nabokov’s own novel of nymphets critiqued.(“Cherie, , Maurice Chevalier)
Hence thus therefore an insight from New York Public Radio (WNYC..the Leonard Lopate open mindedness, the twointellectuals from literary Moscow, offered their critiques of the state of mind of the Karamazov family’ self destructiveness..tuned out to Chevalier’s “Thank Heaven for little girls ...Lolita’s  own metamorphosisLita Grey, Charlie Chaplin’s second wife..( Sydney and Junior’s mother?)
It’s one thing living in a Conrad “Heart of Darkness” pop culture but it’s another to relish those yesterdays at UCLA, where in those tic yearnings of post World War2, there was a sweepingRose Bowl vibe, that the planet would metamorphose into amasked semblance of  a Shangri-la . a Frank Capra Jimmy Stewart “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and Ronald Coleman’s Lost Horizon”, Sam Jaffe in his role of the high caste 125 year old High Llama.
“We’ve been waiting , Mister Conway. We’ve been waiting for you a long time”, Sam Jaffe (not the Agentinto his role as the High Llama, the leader of  Shangri-la, hidden away in the Alps….John Howard,. Margo, waiting  in the wings, the James Hilton mantra rolling in its Capra incarnation.
Howeverour part time role at the Neuropsychiatric Institute , (John Wayne’s fatherMister Morison, in his hobby lobby watch repairer  cache)as a attendant in the catatonic ward 
“Bobby what the Hell happened. What are you wining and dining here?
Accosting our former sports writing cub reporter. Daily Bruin track and field, shuffling along in the murky corners of thoseonce semi tropical spaces , reserved for denizens who cracked up in the constancy of pretentious blow hearts, swept away bythe seismic changes…
”A hundred million for Lincoln Center’s naming. Social status? Social climbing?  You name it!
It wasnt as if Booby was a Stan Lomax WOR Big Appleprotégé. He was a warm empathetic track and field scriber, identifying with Craig Dixon on the 220 and 440 hurdles and AlKapp, John Patee on the cross country four forty  and the mile. (Burt Lancaster, Woody Strode off their own strides,watching Harry Trotter Ducky Drake stalwarts, stretching and straining their over achieving track team tandems. Joe E Brown field, Jane Withers hillside home on Sunset Boulevard, Ed Pauley’s pavilion in the future., overlooking.…..
Back in the catatonic ward in our part time attendant role….”Bobby tell me, what happened?”, our naiviate,subsequently  moving into holding his ankles as the psychiatrist and nurses applied electric electrodes to his ankles and arms, thetherapeautic  shocks to his innards and soul to bring him back to the El Espanol community property Southern California realityscene and the believability of silver screen and the Shangri-laWestwood Village environs beyond. (Sonja Henie’s ice skating rink)
.                                                                                        VII
“But Bobby, what happened?  How could you becomedespondent and depressed?   Subject A? Flunking out?”
On coke and heroin? Jack Daniels whiskey?…. holding his ankles as the shrink administered the electrical pulsations, the electrodes attached to wires from the electrical outlets in the walls.
“Unbelievable. Yet not that fr from the pop culture of thepretending actors. “The Great Gatsby, the Last Tycoon” Jack L. Warner, doubles tennis player, the  novelist dying at the Garden of Allah , on the Sunset Strip, the gossip columnist Sheila Graham ( scion to  Professor  Graham, UCLA) The bewildered novelist taking to drink….. He and his wife Zelda, buttering upto the cafe society toast of their  celebrity.
The locale  Garden of Allah  on the Sunset Strip…the humoristRobert Benchley ,as the novelist  breathing is last…. ….theposturing of his star gazing(1925, Zelda , she perishing in 1940, her F.Scott going it alone, gasping for air..
The New Yorker magazine “Information Please” humorist in the lobby, while “The last tycoon”  the Chief, oblivious to F. Scott’s Fitzgerald’s waning breaths…..at the Strip’s Garden of Allah.
“It’s all a myth, boys. If you dont like it, you can always earn your bread and butter, playing mahjong  at another private tennis court..
Solly your serve!. Yon don’t have to open up a new can. These balls still have some life. ” 
In the meantime, several miles away as the crow flies on the freeways, at the Neuropsychiatric catatonic ward, Bobby into his electric shock aftermath…..his body squirming , the witch doctor and his two nurses and the part time attendant held theirbreaths.
The UCLA  (16 credits) part time attendant, gripping those quivering legs……shaky arms ,Bobby’s shriek sounding out  his troubled peace of mind.

March 27, 2015. The City that never sleeps.


“SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER, Zero Mostel’s tour de force, notwithstanding his alter ego Gene Wilder, inspiring his father figure, to raise big bucks by producing a Mel Brooks (“Two thousand year old man”) box office disaster and floperoo.
But for the life of this corner, how did Anne Bancroft’s ‘H’ (”the Graduate”) Mel Brooks do it
“Plastics plastics   mate”, if we may quote Blossom Hoffman’s brother Dustin, (the secretary at Sutter Junior High, Canoga Park, Ca)
But who claimed Zero Mostel’s neurons were atrophying howin the Great White Romp, could he turn around “Springtime for Hitler” into a financial disaster…..
Is he a dinosaur?
He still labels the Internet the ‘World Wide Web.  Irreverent to cyberspace …..social media and its apps.
Right, mate? Right!
The romp with Eva Braun and Adolph at the Fuhrer‘s love nest in Berchesgarden may be a stretch, because the absurdity of raising money for a flop..…. the metamorphosis playing out anirony of ironies.
“Roll the dice, Max.” 
Max Bialystock  (Zero Mostel) and his accountant Leo Bloom  are found guilty of the grubby fraud, led away at the end of “The Producers their very deceit a checkmate .
Nikolai Gogol’s satire,   “Inspector General” may haveinfluenced Max’s tyranny of   avarice... 
The million dollar Grandmas kicking up their heels, Max  Bialystock’s casting his “Angels” in their own parlance ofAngels,  Into their rhythm like  sweet sixteen teens  going  bonkers..in a quest for their Fountain of Youth.
All that was missing….the cream cheese bandit.  Con artist and  bully from the word “go”
Zero Mostel and his accountant  didn’t listen to an adult man’s interior rap and argument.
“I was a contender for the Tilden High Varsity…. A first five letterman. But the coach was a son of a bitch. “You’re not a team player. You’re out for yourself. That’s not Tilden brand of basketball. Work out your demons with the Junior Varsity , if you want to earn a letter.”
“ For an eighteen year old  senior, you got too much swagger foryour own good.  You’re your own worst enemy, mate.
The cream cheese bandit cussing under his breath, never forgetting the slap to his stroke (“to lord it over others)”, his arrogant and selfish trip of a life line….
Treasure Island rehab and Market  Street mockery of amore de wenches,  in his Chief’s uniform, no less...
Sawtelle’s rehabilitation civilian life. “You’re as useless as teats on a boor’s ass.”                              
Meanwhile Max Bialystock   was sweating bullets, his impersonator of Hitler  into his LSD monologue transition toa Munich beer parlor, becoming a “Mein Kampf playmaker …
To facilitate Chancellor Hindenberg’s exit…. the actoracquitting his beer hall fast break, the audience loving it: theirscreaming hilarity and laughter terrifying Max and Leo Bloom his  spreadsheet of debts and assets up in flames.
Max Bialystock’s reversal of fates, Leo Bloom…. into their apocalypse,                                                                                              sharing  the emotional swing from a purported failure, to an immense success, the sophisticated New Yorkers shaking therafters with frenzied maddening laughs the New York Times  “masterpiece”, the beatnik LSD drifter  named Adolph, wearing his Roman “Ben Hur helmet,  drawling out his  ascent to political power.
Leo Bloom fraught with manic  “goal tending”. No Brazilian escape flight…. the dollar bills and profitable gold mine…and the fabled Grandma gig...
Break a leg”, the Angels euphoria into their Fountain of Youth.
Max  and Leo led away in handcuffs. …not a Grandmaturning a heel at Sardis restaurant, across the Street. 
March 21, 2015. The City that never sleeps. 


But the Zen Master born in Budapest, now living in FlorenceItaly, took Carnegie Hall by storm the other night. His quiet demeanor, communicated the passion  and energy of the sublime grandmasters of pianissimo grandeur Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert, plus  three encores, an evocation ofenduring sound for eternity..
Spanning the sublimity of his own identification, with these fourimmortals long withdrawn, Sir Ameras Schiff brought them back to life, two nights ago at Carnegie Hall.
Isaac Stern would have exalted. Itzhak Pearlman Yo- Yo Ma,were at a loss for words, if you could belie  it. And JaschaHeifetz, a child prodigy… well the last time our eyes feasted on  the larger than life violinist, he was taunting the fates, rushing from a North Beverly Drive deli, in Beverly Hills, in a formidable strut, .to his master class across town, at USCs conservatory.
Heifetz in his end run did not know  San Jose newspaper critic claimed the Zen Master came saw and conquered Silicon Valley with  his mastery at the keyboard. That piano playing of this nature, was beyond cyber space’s 21st century..
That Sir Andras Schiff did have four hands and twelve fingers, the notes into harmonies like the pebbles glistening under the streams of San Jose’s Silicon Valley.
The knighted Buckingham Palace virtuoso at age 61, those twelve e fingers caressing the keyboard in such a way that the audience was enraptured, the pianist offered three encores, the audience caught up in his hypnotic spell, the four composers streaming their own sublimity, goring back to Haydn’s 1780 London out of the park... his dry wit and sense of humor seemingly gave a transparency that the London listeners accustomed as they were to a dignified sound, clapping for“encore encore”
The second sonata was Beethoven’s  E Major.
From his favored Viennese piano, the stream of harmonies in the key of E Major, the sonorities of Haydn’s Broadwood piano:subtly Viennese  knuckle breaker tempo from Beethoven’s  growing deafness.
It became the 18th Century, Beethoven taking asunder the drawing room façade. No twinkle toe  tactfulness here, the composer damningcharging into the society, hearing and seeing it for what it was. Ripping Emperor Bonaparte’s dedication from his Eroica third E flat Symphony, opus 50.
Sir Anoras Schiff’s own crescendo into his Budapest roots and political “winter of discontent..
The transformation into the ethereal cosmos, transfiguring the listeners and the pianist himself, was one with the alliance ….these immortal composers, over and through the majesty of Isaac Stern’s Carnegie Hall culture..
Gone were the other world disturbances in Oklahomaa student fraternity. Cries of racism in Ferguson, Missouri.
That brainwashing was in  these Major and Minor keys of Mozart and Schubert. Their interpreter Sir  Amoras. That popculture  was a subterfuge. Piccadilly Square myth todissimilate the passage of time, from the cradle to the grave.
The longing for heroes was not forgotten by the radio audienceeither. That the Nostradamus search was no picnic for theSalzburg born Mozart, fleeing from  the Austrian court into those Viennese drawing rooms and their hypocritical stance. …..The haute monde and those drawing room pianos nee politics..
No wonder Joseph Haydn got out of himself...and enchanted the London audiences and down the road the Queen, knighting g SirAmaras Stern.  
Young Lion Brodwood pianos.
Ah delirium!
Schubert like Mozart died in his earl thirties. Yet his prodigious output of those dark depression like sonorities..
Nevertheless his perseverance…. a heavier tonal darkness that  Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart  scoring didn’t bring to the German canon.
The repertoire starting with Alessandro Scarlatti and JohanSebastian Bach.. No cell phone interruption for Sir Amera’sHash mark your electronic device, madam. “
The three encores spanned the classical period of Haydn and Beethoven into the romantic period of drama…. Mozart and Schubert….their creative pilgrimages assimilating   the distance of their setbacks au contraire, from Haydn and Beethoven’saccess to political and economic power.
The Zen master had come complete circle.  From those pebbles beneath those Northern California streams, running through San Jose’s Silicon Valley..
March 12, 2015 Thee city that never sleeps.          

In those balmy born yesterdays

In those balmy born yesterdays, post World Waer2, the StudioCity Republic studio casting,  starred Gene Autry, Gabby Hayes , Andy Devine, Smiley Burnet, Rin tin tin.
The Ventura Boulevard and Laurel Canyon vibes included and a restaurant bearing the name of Gene Autry’s nemesis……. JulieStyne was writing *songs, while his partner Sammy Cahn, was calibrating the melody and rhythm in cadence with Gene Autry’sguitar…and the galloping hoof beats of Champion “ .
*How do you speak to an Angel?”                    
Who knew  the quest for stardom, could transcend Dickens’s “Great Expectations” that Dutch, a Warner Brothers actordown the road in Burbank, who played the  “ Gipper” in KnuteRockne would become Ronald Regan, the Governor ofCalifornia, and hence the springboard to the White House….not once, but twice as he and his strong minded wife Nancy, ”Our fates are tied with the alignment of the stars in the ceiling of our skies”  resurged and galvanized the discovery of the prophecy
Mister Wyman as first marriage culminated with his actress wife awarded an Oscar for her role in “Johnny Belinda”,  a tour de force for  her…a blind lady, pulling all the emotional strings.
“Win one for the Gipper echoed Pat O’Brien as “KnuteRockne” in the  Notre Dame locker room at half time.little did he know the dialogue and cheer leading at half time was a tonic, to  “Dutch” being a a spokesman for General Electric, would go on into politics and score more than touchdowns as he fought out the second half of his locker room heroics, with wife Nancy at his side .
Yet Phil Reagan, played out his role as a New York City singingcop , a far cry from those “pep talks” in the Notre Dame locker room.
“Win one for the Gipper!”
March 9, 2015. The City that never sleeps.

Needless to say the South Bronx middle school teacher bringing her CD player to class

Needless to say the South Bronx middle school teacher (Morris Evening High) on bringing her CD player to class, in no way could conceive  how the  Modest Mussorgsky’s “The pictures of exhibition at the Hero Gates of Kiev” could resonate across the St. Petersburg conservatory of Rimsky Korsakov,(a retired Nava Officer “Flight of the Bumble Bee”) and  from the Ukraine...Tchaikovsky’s benefactor, Madame von Meck, the two never meeting..
A student oblivious to the loop  playing out, raised his hand. “Is that Mozart? 
“Can he come to class?” asked another admirer, a 13 year oldgirl ,her hair in a nee adolescent pony tail, as though she was in tune, with the melody flowing the piano to the flute and clarinet.
The proliferation of notes to measures in the key of A minor,was tonic to Igor Stravinsky into his North Wetherly Drive  padin Beverly Hills .
The Canoga Park, California pet shop owner, subsequently  Bellair resident, whose parents were from  the Ukraine, migrating toBoston, Massachusetts, opening a barber shop, their son raised  as a toddler ”long life and prosper”  Star Trek’sLeonard SimonNimoy, becoming  “Mr. Spock” the alien from outer space, TV’s “Star Trek”.  
Their son in search of hikarma, migrated to Hollywood, where in his pedestrian role playing, he found his predestination….Smock role and in his selfless humanity and sense of humor in “Star Trek” and indirectly Modest Mussorgsky’s The HeroGates of Kiev”.
But the metamorphosing beyond the Gates, in the flimflam of the “Star Trek” was a cause célèbre to be..
An identity crisis per se.. In order to stay in character, our heromaintained a Monday to Saturday night 12 hours +per diem, ,“Spock” masking his hero’s soul, embracing an enchanting Mr.Spock.
A heavy psychic price to pay as the half man alien from outer space, those Vulcan ears tattooing his mutation in his permutation…a fantasy beyond the harmonies his “Hero’s Gates of Kiev”, and Canoga Park’s pet shop, had to pay the piper..
Losing himself to find his himself.  
Heavy heavy duty..  Alcohol consumption during the weeklylong days of shooting,,… 90 or so hours a week. The nicotinesacrifices may have vanished in the lights of “outer space” But the stress brought on our Hero’s identity crisis.
To live long and prosper seems precious, the key words SEEMS requires no ambiguity. Speaking and thinking in the  environs,Spock became Nimroy. A heavy price to pay for the son of Ukrainian Max and  Dora…their Boston barber shop….
A heavy price to pay for a semi alien persona, wouldn’t you say.“The man in the Iron Mask” starring Louis Hayward.
Charlie Chaplins “Tramp” woos the blind lady, selling posies,wedding Paulette Goddard in real time, neighbor.
A heavy price to pay for a persona. “Lights camera action. “I’m ready for my close up, Mr. De Mlle”.
But tell that to Dimitri Shostakovich, Gustav Mahler (his widow living in North Beverly Hills)Rachmaninoff  in Santa Monica Canon, aforementioned Stravinsky on North Wetherrly Drive.  
Meanwhile in Boston, the maestro Serge Koussevitzky studiedthe Hero’s score getting a cut and shave in Max and Doras barber shop…..
The arrangement by Maurice Ravel: the harmonies and colors fortissimo.  
Little did Tsar Alexander know the Gates of Kiev’, the suite’s construction ABAB  CADA , the  coda’s expectationsmusically chronicled by Mussorgsky’s suite, and arranged by Ravel.
As the measures and phrases went heard Arturo Toscanini,Stokowski, Leonard Slat kin (Hollywood High,” The Bowl”)Leonard Bernstein, George and Ira Gershwin, Andre Pre v in(MGM) The Russian religious chants in a broad rondo movement at Mussorgsky’s Heroes Gate” recurring far and wide in cyber space.
Could *Spoke arriving at the Pearly Gates ”Long life and  Prosper” anticipate the resounding melodies of Pictures at theHeroeGate of Kiev’. A suite in ten movements…..
Max and Dora Nimoy’s Ukrainian origin, Mar Chagall’sBerdychev roots, Grandma and Grandpa’s family of fivedaughters and two sons(our aunts and uncle)
*“Life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had but not preserved…  except in memory.”

March 1, 2015. The City that never sleeps.